Layout Name:
"Lackawanna Valley"
Layout Status:
Track Type:
Track Manufacturer:
S-Helper Service
Rail Size:
code 138
This is a scene of a modified American Flyer Saw Mill. John added a wooden deck, shingled roofs and a stone base to the mill. The backdrop is a photo John took at the Gettysburg battle field.
This is a night scene during a shift change at a transformer factory in Avoca, PA. The buildings are Woodlands Scenics' "Built-and-Ready" structures.
This photo accompanied John's article in the July 2021 Classic Toy Trains issue about how he made this accessory look more realistic.
This is a restored A.C. Gilbert AF #632 Pullman. The roof was spray-painted flat black. The original paint was restored by just spraying Testors Dullcoat. The car's diaphragms were sourced from Port Lines Hobby Supplies. The Budd trucks were from American Models.