
Train Sets

Below are all of the reports that we offer for viewing all of the known S-scale train sets ever produced. Most reports show all of the entries we have, but a couple of reports don't due to their filters (indicated). We define a "train set" as a packaged deal where the customer receives one or more engines, more than one different freight or passenger car, and with possible track and a transformer or some other power supply. If a package contains several road numbers for basically the same freight car, then that is not considered a train set. S-Helper Service, for example, sold sets that contained multiples of the same road name reefers or multiple ore cars. These are not consider train sets, and they are already documented as part of the freight car entry covering those cars in the Product Gallery.

Contact person: Webmaster

  1. By Model Manufacturer
    Entries are sorted by the set's manufacturer, then by the set's ID and/or name.
  2. By Road Name
    Entries are sorted by road name, then by the type of locomotive, and then by model manufacturer.
  3. This report is limited to those for which a locomotive is included.
  4. By Locomotive
    Entries are sorted by the locomotive type included in the set, then by locomotive road name, and then by locomotive road number. This report is limited to those for which a locomotive is included.
  5. By Year Model Introduced
    Entries are sorted by the year in which the set was first introduced, then by the manufacturer, and then by road name and road number. This report is limited to those for which the model-introduction year is known.
  6. By Photo
    A mini photo album of sorts, this report shows the primary photo for each set. Click on a photo to see that model's details and possible additional photos. The photos are sorted by the set's manufacturer, by set's product ID and/or name, and road name of the locomotive (if there is one). The final pages show the set's full details. This report is limited to entries that have at least one photo set.
  7. Missing Photos
    This report lists all of the sets for which we do not, yet, have a photo. If you happen to have this set and can take a photo of it, or its components, please contact the webmaster. The entries are sorted by the set's manufacturer, by set's product ID and/or name, and road name of the locomotive (if there is one). This report is limited to entries that have no photo set.
  8. All Entries
    The entries are sorted by the set's manufacturer, by its product ID and/or name, and road name of the locomotive (if there is one). Click the link to see the selected model's details.
  9. Downloadable Text File
    The entries in the file are sorted in the order in which the columns of data appear, from left to right. Note: To import or open this file in a spreadsheet software application, use the hat, ^, character as the column separator (see the "6" key of your keyboard). Most spreadsheet applications will let you pick the separator or delimiter; if not, open the file with a text editor and replace all "^" with a character of your choice, and then try it again.



  • AF:
    for models that come only with A.C. Gilbert-style wheels and truck-mounted claw couplers.
  • S:
    for standard-gauge (4'8-1/2") models that come with either no wheels and couplers, with scale wheels and/or couplers, or have scale wheels and couplers included in the package.
  • Sn3, Sn2, Sn42:
    for the various narrow-gauge rail spacings.
Product Gallery