Layout Status:
Track Type:
Layout Space:
12' x 20'
Layout Style:
Around-the-room, shelf switching
Track Manufacturer:
Micro Engineering
Rail Size:
code 83
Min. Turnout Frog:
Min. Radius:
48" mainline, 30" sidings
Ruling Grade:
Track Height(s):
Mainline Track Length:
65' (currently)
benchwork: 25%; track: 25%; scenery: 2%
Northeast rural/agricultural areas
Railroad(s) Modeled:
Northeastern railroads
Control System:
DCC (unknown brand)
The layout was started in February of 2021. A shelf switching layout built for operations. The railroad is starved for equipment, so you will see equipment from a variety of railroads. Currently the layout surrounds a 12' x 20' quadrant of the basement. Expansion will continue as industries come on line and the engineering department figures out the best way to take over the rest of the basement. Minimal shelf depth is 16" with a maximum of 24" at this time. The layout is looking forward to more rigorous operations than the occasional switch job currently assigned.