
Product Gallery Fields Definitions

When you view the details page for one or more models, a number of data fields are shown with the model. The listing below shows all the data fields we track, along with their meaning. However, note that if we don't have data set for a particular field, or that field does not apply to the particular model, the field will not be shown on the page. So, if you discover a bit of data that should be set for a particular model that we don't show, it means we are missing that data. Your contributions are always welcome. Just to be clear, "prototype" means "real-world", not "experimental".


the model's manufacturer's name, with a possible link to their web site showing that model.

Manufacturer ID:

the manufacturer's internal product ID or SKU.


the larger grouping to which we have assigned this product.

Prototype Year/Era:

the year the prototype version of this model was introduced, or the range of years of manufacture.

Prototype Manufacturer:

the prototype manufacturer's name.


the name the model manufacturer gave to the product.

Road Name:

the prototype railroad name for which the model was decorated, or intended to represent.

Road Number:

the road number with which the model was decorated from the factory.

Prototype Class:

the prototype railroad's class name/number.


all models are considered S-scale, 1:64 (in which case this field is not shown). Depending on the context, this field is used to indicate for which narrow-gauge spacing this model was intended, or, it can be used for models that aren't pure 1:64, to indicate the manufacturer's stated scale ratio.

Model Introduced:

the year the manufacturer released this model to the public for the first time. Additional runs may have been done in later years.

Product Type:

if known, this shows the dominant material from which the model was constructed.


indicates whether or not the factory painted and decorated (lettered) the model. Also, some kits came with pre-printed sides, and some models are factory-weathered.

Prototype Capacity:

depending on the context, this indicates the weight of a locomotive, the weight that could be carried, or the volume that could be held. Of course, only applying to the prototype, for which the entry is a representative model.

Prototype Dimensions:

depending on the context, this indicates the common length, or the length/width/height, for the prototype version that this model represents.

Scale Dimensions:

depending on the context, this indicates the common length, or the length/width/height, for the model if properly scaled to 1:64.

Model Online Article:

provides a link to a web site that includes this specific model.

Model Online Article:

provides another link to a web site that includes this specific model.


provides a link to another page or document on this web site that covers this specific model.

Prototype Link:

provides a link to a web site that includes prototype information for this model.

Prototype Link:

provides another link to a web site that includes prototype information for this model.


any supplemental notes, comments, historical facts, and any other miscellaneous text associated with this model. If you are looking for any model-specific information, and that model manufacturer produced more than one of these models, any supplemental topics may be covered for this model in the Product Notes section. This may include things such as kit instructions, how to fix a problem, product brochures, etc.


we are currently set up to show up to 6 photos per entry, but that limit is arbitrary, so feel free to send the webmaster product photos. We prefer modeler's photos over manufacturer photos, and we are always interested in photos that are of a higher quality or that show a different angle from what is already showing. Photos of the kit's parts, and/or of the box that the model came in, are also welcome.


this will show an embedded video of the model in action. If you have a publicly-accessible video of the model in action, feel free to contact the webmaster about that. We are currently set up to show one video per model, since these are rare. However, like the photos, we can expand the number of videos per entry.

Product Gallery